We, too, make noises when we laugh or weep,
Words are for those with promises to keep.
– W. H. Auden

tiistai 5. huhtikuuta 2011


– Laurie Anderson on antanut ymmärtää, että sota on nykytaiteen korkein muoto.

– Highest Formko? Tulta! Saisko. Olla.

– Tai siis Itään, Länteen, Ylös! NOUSKAA minua aiemmin tulleet ja sanokaa, mikä on sanan "ARISE" todellinen merkitys. Lapsiko "LA VIDA THAT LITTLE CLOCK"?

– Täysosuma.

– Pelastuneet sirpaleina. 

                            -  -  -

– It´s almost morning is´t not?

– Day, my lord.

– I would this music would come. I am advised to give her music o´mornings; they say it will penetrate.

     Enter Musicians /--/ Musician sings

Hark, hark, the lark at heaven gate sings, 
And Phoebus gins arise, 
His steeds to water at those springs
On chaliced flowers that lies, 
And winking Mary-buds begin to ope their golden eyes;
With everything that pretty is, my lady sweet, arise, 
Arise, arise!

– Shakespeare: Cymbeline

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